Il blog "Le Russie di Cernobyl", seguendo una tradizione di cooperazione partecipata dal basso, vuole essere uno spazio in cui: sviluppare progetti di cooperazione e scambio culturale; raccogliere materiali, documenti, articoli, informazioni, news, fotografie, filmati; monitorare l'allarmante situazione di rilancio del nucleare sia in Italia che nei paesi di Cernobyl.

Il blog, e il relativo coordinamento progettuale, è aperto ai circoli Legambiente e a tutti gli altri soggetti che ne condividono il percorso e le finalità.

"Le Russie di Cernobyl" per sostenere, oltre i confini statali, le terre e le popolazioni vittime della stessa sventura nucleare: la Bielorussia (Russia bianca), paese in proporzione più colpito; la Russia, con varie regioni rimaste contaminate da Cernobyl, Brjansk in testa, e altre zone con inquinamento radioattivo sparse sul suo immenso territorio; l'Ucraina, culla storica della Rus' di Kiev (da cui si sono sviluppate tutte le successive formazioni statali slavo-orientali) e della catastrofe stessa.



Adam Higginbotham

Midnight in Chernobyl
The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Nuclear Disaster

Simon & Schuster

pag. 560


(dal sito della casa editrice)

Journalist Adam Higginbotham’s definitive, years-in-the-making account of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster—and a powerful investigation into how propaganda, secrecy, and myth have obscured the true story of one of the twentieth century’s greatest disasters.

Early in the morning of April 26, 1986, Reactor Number Four of the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station exploded, triggering history’s worst nuclear disaster. In the thirty years since then, Chernobyl has become lodged in the collective nightmares of the world: shorthand for the spectral horrors of radiation poisoning, for a dangerous technology slipping its leash, for ecological fragility, and for what can happen when a dishonest and careless state endangers its citizens and the entire world. But the real story of the accident, clouded from the beginning by secrecy, propaganda, and misinformation, has long remained in dispute.

Drawing on hundreds of hours of interviews conducted over the course of more than ten years, as well as letters, unpublished memoirs, and documents from recently-declassified archives, Adam Higginbotham has written a harrowing and compelling narrative which brings the disaster to life through the eyes of the men and women who witnessed it firsthand. The result is a masterful nonfiction thriller, and the definitive account of an event that changed history: a story that is more complex, more human, and more terrifying than the Soviet myth.

Midnight in Chernobyl is an indelible portrait of one of the great disasters of the twentieth century, of human resilience and ingenuity, and the lessons learned when mankind seeks to bend the natural world to his will—lessons which, in the face of climate change and other threats, remain not just vital but necessary.

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