Il blog "Le Russie di Cernobyl", seguendo una tradizione di cooperazione partecipata dal basso, vuole essere uno spazio in cui: sviluppare progetti di cooperazione e scambio culturale; raccogliere materiali, documenti, articoli, informazioni, news, fotografie, filmati; monitorare l'allarmante situazione di rilancio del nucleare sia in Italia che nei paesi di Cernobyl.

Il blog, e il relativo coordinamento progettuale, è aperto ai circoli Legambiente e a tutti gli altri soggetti che ne condividono il percorso e le finalità.

"Le Russie di Cernobyl" per sostenere, oltre i confini statali, le terre e le popolazioni vittime della stessa sventura nucleare: la Bielorussia (Russia bianca), paese in proporzione più colpito; la Russia, con varie regioni rimaste contaminate da Cernobyl, Brjansk in testa, e altre zone con inquinamento radioattivo sparse sul suo immenso territorio; l'Ucraina, culla storica della Rus' di Kiev (da cui si sono sviluppate tutte le successive formazioni statali slavo-orientali) e della catastrofe stessa.



After 200,000 years of modern humans on a 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, we have arrived at new point in history: the Anthropocene. The change has come upon us with disorienting speed. It is the kind of shift that typically takes two or three or four generations to sink in.

Our best scientists tell us insistently that a calamity is unfolding, that the life-support systems of the Earth are being damaged in ways that threaten our survival. Yet in the face of these facts we carry on as usual. 

Most citizens ignore or downplay the warnings; many of our intellectuals indulge in wishful thinking; and some influential voices declare that nothing at all is happening, that the scientists are deceiving us. Yet the evidence tells us that so powerful have humans become that we have entered this new and dangerous geological epoch, which is defined by the fact that the human imprint on the global environment has now become so large and active that it rivals some of the great forces of nature in its impact on the functioning of the Earth system.

This bizarre situation, in which we have become potent enough to change the course of the Earth yet seem unable to regulate ourselves, contradicts every modern belief about the kind of creature the human being is. So for some it is absurd to suggest that humankind could break out of the boundaries of history and inscribe itself as a geological force in deep time. Humans are too puny to change the climate, they insist, so it is outlandish to suggest we could change the geological time scale. Others assign the Earth and its evolution to the divine realm, so that it is not merely impertinence to suggest that humans can overrule the almighty, but blasphemy.


Data: 05.05.2017

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