Il blog "Le Russie di Cernobyl", seguendo una tradizione di cooperazione partecipata dal basso, vuole essere uno spazio in cui: sviluppare progetti di cooperazione e scambio culturale; raccogliere materiali, documenti, articoli, informazioni, news, fotografie, filmati; monitorare l'allarmante situazione di rilancio del nucleare sia in Italia che nei paesi di Cernobyl.

Il blog, e il relativo coordinamento progettuale, è aperto ai circoli Legambiente e a tutti gli altri soggetti che ne condividono il percorso e le finalità.

"Le Russie di Cernobyl" per sostenere, oltre i confini statali, le terre e le popolazioni vittime della stessa sventura nucleare: la Bielorussia (Russia bianca), paese in proporzione più colpito; la Russia, con varie regioni rimaste contaminate da Cernobyl, Brjansk in testa, e altre zone con inquinamento radioattivo sparse sul suo immenso territorio; l'Ucraina, culla storica della Rus' di Kiev (da cui si sono sviluppate tutte le successive formazioni statali slavo-orientali) e della catastrofe stessa.



Fukushima nuclear disasterwill impact forests, rivers and estuaries for hundreds of years

The environmental impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster will last decades to centuries, warns a new Greenpeace Japan report. Man-made, long-lived radioactive elements are absorbed into the living tissues of plants and animals and recycled through food webs, and carried downstream to the Pacific Ocean by typhoons, snowmelt, and flooding. 

“The government’s massive decontamination program will have almost no impact on reducing the ecological threat from the enormous amount of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Already, over 9 million cubic metres of nuclear waste are scattered over at least 113,000 locations across Fukushima prefecture,” said Kendra Ulrich, Senior Nuclear Campaigner at Greenpeace Japan.

“The Abe government is perpetuating a myth that five years after the start of the nuclear accident the situation is returning to normal. The evidence exposes this as political rhetoric, not scientific fact. And unfortunately for the victims, this means they are being told it is safe to return to environments where radiation levels are often still too high and are surrounded by heavy contamination.”

The report is based on a large body of independent scientific research in impacted areas in the Fukushima region, as well as investigations by Greenpeace radiation specialists over the past five years. It exposes deeply flawed assumptions by  the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Abe government in terms of both decontamination and ecosystem risks. It further draws on research on the environmental impact of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe as an indication of the potential future for contaminated areas in Japan.

The environmental impacts are already becoming apparent, with studies showing:
  • High radiation concentrations in new leaves, and at least in the case of cedar, in pollen;
  • apparent increases in growth mutations of fir trees with rising radiation levels;
  • heritable mutations in pale blue grass butterfly populations and DNA-damaged worms in highly contaminated areas, as well as apparent reduced fertility in barn swallows;
  • decreases in the abundance of 57 bird species with higher radiation levels over a four year study; and
  • high levels of caesium contamination in commercially important freshwater fish; and radiological contamination of one of the most important ecosystems – coastal estuaries.

Data: 08.03.2016

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